Hello and Welcome!
First of all, thank you for visiting my site and dhost.info for making this posible.
Let me introduce myself.
My real name is Kenfai, male, born in 1987. I live in a small little friendly country in Asia (guess?) -Malaysia.
I have been using 'hydrowire' since 2001. If you see this name anywhere on the Internet, that's me.
The main purpose I made this site is to give valuable information to everyone. I hope everyone who came to this site benefits the most out of here. I always wanted to create a personal website but I don't have the time and chance. Until now that I have just finish my secondary school and National Service, I finally can concentrate to build my dream website! I have to start everything from scratch because my hard-disk failed on me. I've lost EVERYTHING that consist five years of harvesting valuable data from the Internet. But luckily nothing major important has lost. Well, to be positive, its a good thing to let-go all the old stuff and start from the beginning again.
I'm interested in everything that related to computer such as programming(C++), web(XHTML, XML, CSS, PHP), digital art(2D, 3D), hardware(modding, overclocking), linux, and many more. I hope to learn more on every espect that I'm interested in because I believe one day in the future all these skills I learnt will be useful!
If you guess I will continue my study in IT/Computing, you are wrong. Instead I hope to get a degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering.
I studied in SRJK(c)Desa Jaya primary school, SMK Taman Ehsan secondary school, and joined National Service 2nd series group 1 in Kem Semarak, Pekan, Pahang. My experience in National Service was wonderful and it was priceless! No words can describe how wonderful time I had 3 months in National Service.
Having a personal website is really fun. You can post almost anything you want and share it with everyone!
My family tree: